Friday, June 26, 2009


Stick On!

Daily when I drive down to the office I see scores of vehicles(2,3,4 n more wheelers) each having a wierd sticker on it.I don't care whatever the private stickers mean which would be more or less like their signature but I fail to comprehend what a 'Ferrari logo' on an old FIAT Padmini means or stuff like "I am not driving high,am flying low" or "Moto GP",on a Pulsar or similar 150CC+ segment bikes,what is it? a racing bike? and how?I still don't understand why bike owners classify a 150CC bike as a racing bike,it is not!Only that we got so used to seeing the 100 and 125 ones that we feel these are better.fair enough.My personal fav is "Sorry babe's, no lift"...whatever "babe's" means!Even better are "Bite My Dust!" or a fist with the wrong finger stickin' out!Now,how did the guy driving behind you bother you?Am not even mentioning the "I hate Rules!","I give a damn",Ruck Fules and all the similar crappy stuff.I personally feel that what ever you have on your bike/car reflects your nature,fake aggression,I-don-give-a-flak attitude shows just passes off.

Current mood:moody

Current music:Mangalam

1 comment:

Unknown said...

2009-06-23 19:02 (link) Select
My personal best is "Bullets dont leak oil but they mark their territory"...:)
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2009-06-24 13:59 (link) Select
that one's good! :)
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2009-06-23 19:03 (link) Select
the most weird one till date I saw was on a Swift. It Read
" Don't peep... Your Girl friend might be Inside" :-)
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2009-06-24 13:59 (link) Select
well..*no comments*

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The Edge Of Reason| by KK