Come Friday and your office bulletin board is all full with 'Bon Weekend' and 'Happy Weekend' messages,not sure how many of them actually mean this. Incidentally, Friday also happens to be the day when the whole office campus dons a festive look,people taking out the best dresses from their wardrobes,the campus is all vibrant and psychedelic giving you the vibes of an imminent festival.You can actually smell a pervasive bonhomie in the environment around.
You finish your work early,skip your gym that day,shut your workstation down,scream a ''Happy Weekend,have fun!'' to every single living entity you come across, grab your bag and rush out of the office campus,flashing your thirty two as if it were your last day at work.Even your boss and other 'serious' colleagues ignore this connivance of yours.
So,your are out of office,better yet you are home,with nothing important to do you log on to your FB/GTalk/Orkut/Wave and post a weekend-is-here-ish message(with god-knows-how-many smilies)!
You go for a movie.Party as if it was your raison d'etre.Get up late,just in time for a late lunch and an early evening snack,it is then that your friend calls you up.So, you get ready and meet her/him at the mall,squander half of your salary buying stuff which even the shopkeeper had given up on.
Now,with Saturday gone and Sunday poisoned, you are down with a widespread weltzmertz; whiling your way through the last few hours of what was your weekend,doing not-previously-on-my-list menial yet inevitable tasks such as laundry.
And before you could say "Weekend!",your weekend just vanished into thin air and before late you would give a serious wtfy look to anyone you jumps around with a puerile 'weekend' excitement.
So,your are out of office,better yet you are home,with nothing important to do you log on to your FB/GTalk/Orkut/Wave and post a weekend-is-here-ish message(with god-knows-how-many smilies)!
You go for a movie.Party as if it was your raison d'etre.Get up late,just in time for a late lunch and an early evening snack,it is then that your friend calls you up.So, you get ready and meet her/him at the mall,squander half of your salary buying stuff which even the shopkeeper had given up on.
Now,with Saturday gone and Sunday poisoned, you are down with a widespread weltzmertz; whiling your way through the last few hours of what was your weekend,doing not-previously-on-my-list menial yet inevitable tasks such as laundry.
And before you could say "Weekend!",your weekend just vanished into thin air and before late you would give a serious wtfy look to anyone you jumps around with a puerile 'weekend' excitement.
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