Of all the orphanages

we visited this season,Spoorthi is better off when compared to the others.There are many who care about it,So,when we went in with an years supply of notebooks,toys n textbooks,we found out that there was already enough to start a mini stationanary shop down there.But,how many orphanages are this lucky?So,we are planning to move to the city suburbs and villages for the next cycle,as there are many organisations in the city which are aware of the plight of such orphanages.

It all went on pretty smooth.Spending some quality time with the kids is always fun!
By the time we reached , there was already a group there,they were celebrating the birthday of one of the girls.The smile you see on their faces when they have their fav bar of chocolate in their hands or a football or when their team wins a match,is worth driving down a thousand kilometers for!
We even had a cricket match(T20) between the kids and Us,then some high catches to more girly skipping n stuff like that.
High catches was the best and most enjoyed game of the day.

While most them were busy playing,there were others who had their own version of recreation.

We also had a crash course in karate :P(Aah! and you thought this was all for the camera,eh?)
We had a mini photo shoot too,sample this RayBan/Fastrack/Police Ad shoot(Fall 2009)
A few more:
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Current Mood: Inspired
Current Music: Yeh hosla kaise jhuke
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