This was about time when I was fresh out of Engineering Admission Counselling and had to throw away the seat I wanted to someone who had scored half as much as I did.Reservation on any ground puts me off.This was also about time when I had started sending articles to The Hindu and they used to publish it!Found this on one of the usual random browsing rounds.
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Come the counselling sessions for admission into post graduate or undergraduate courses and the bright and hardworking students have to face "the ground realities". A friend or classmate of his manages to get into a better college and stream.
How? He has reservation, on social grounds.
In my college I see and meet scores of bright students, who cannot afford even the bare minimum amenities a student needs, and their families toil hard just to pay their semester fees.
And there are students who would spend an equivalent or even a few times more the same amount just on `ordinary outings'.Let me remind u that the latter are the same people for whom our government reserved a certain percentage of seats and the former category of students, in most cases, are among those who have been burning the proverbial midnight oil till now and have worked out of their skins.
Some have toiled for more than a couple of years, just to get into a college and study with the people whom he has seen wasting time and money, roaming around and having a gala time till now.
Just imagine how depressing it can be!
These students get a seat into the most preferred stream in the most preferred college or somewhere near that, still way lot better than the seat he would have ordinarily got.
No wonder they continue the same wayward attitude here as well.
As in any other case, there are still many backward classes, which need reservation, and it was for this section of people that the system of reservation was initially launched and is still in place because many of these people need an opportunity to progress.
But I strongly feel that there should be reservation on Economic grounds.
Contrary to popular perception, the so-called socially backward class is in most cases economically better of than most of the socially forward class people and vice versa.
As one person aptly put it -India is perhaps the only country where the rich enjoy the fruits of socialism while the poor are fully exposed to the vagaries of capitalism.
But people cannot be blamed for this it is just the politicians who cannot let go of a valuable tool to get the votes in their favour.
But again the government should not forget that the knowledge is the cutting edge of development and social reservation just blunts it.
Read the Original Article Published in THE HINDU
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