One of the most common excuses that people give for not hitting the gym is "am not interested","it is not good,it strains your muscles/bones" and the lame-est of all "I don't get time".No, working out does not strain your bones,it strains your muscles only to the extent that is required,well that is what 'working out' means.You are not interested or pretend not to be for the sole reason that that you are lethargic,this can be attributed to the i-don't-find-time category above aswell.Who does not want a good body,none of us likes chiding remarks on our body,our on our increasing waist-line.
How long does a fifteen minute cardio take?fifteen minutes;3 sets of 8 reps each of crunches 15 minutes.That would be enough to just tone down the excess fat and burn down those needless calories. Again there is this category that drools over a toned body but has some dumb myths on weight training,this is the category that comes feels your biceps,slaps your abs,gives you a lame I-can-have-'em-too look and says,"Am not too much into bodybuilding n all,it's just that my clothes should look good on me".Well none of us are into 'bodybuilding' unless we aim to and when we say bodybuilding the image that flashes in our mind is of dark(no!I wasn't being racist) men on a stage with oiled up bodies,trying to flex every single muscle in their body,standing in a minimalist costume that has a huge white circular cardboard piece with some number on it.Another popular fad is that,I am thin and so will not workout.Eat lots of of protein,that should suffice!
Some chest and lats(latissimus dorsi) or shoulder or triceps-biceps reps will do you a world of good apart from the regular cardio.
It is not against people who can-not do it ,it is against people who do-not-do-it or do-not-want-to-do-it.We do not have the right to stay unfit/unhealthy and comment on how the other person is looking.People who are not working out are slowly killing themselves.And among these ,majority are boys,and in this there is a subset of boys who register for the gym on the first day of the month,come all geared up,want to hit the machines and weights on the first day itself,but the instructor wants them to do a mix.Eventually, after a week they get pissed and stop coming to the gym.Working out is an essential part of our lives and not just going to the gym.
For all those of you ,who are seriously into this,There are a couple of fundas that I follow:
1)Against the Gravity; Slow(when ever you are lifting your body/part thereof up(against the Gravity)take your body up ,as slow as possible.
2)When working out concentrate/try-visualising that particular muscle.
3)Never concentrate on girls dance-practising in the activity room beside the gym.You could end up with an injured neck!
4)If your instructor says that he was drunk all night yesterday,has a hangover and so he cannot give you support while you are doing weights.Trust Him! Else you might end up with a muscle tear or something even serious and might have to stay away from all this for a good part of your life!
I know that this post ain't going to change nothing,but this was what I've felt always.We take our bodies for granted. humph!
Hit da Gym!
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