Ever since we were at the doors of adolescence we've kept falling in love.For some it started early with the class teacher,for a few others with the one pretty girl in the class and this would continue till almost half of our lives or to a few hours before we'd die.While some would have the cheek to express, others chicken out, but what stays consistent is that fact that our heart never gives in on this.
No matter how much a person takes refuge in the I-will-never-fall-in-love-again rhetoric, he does fall for another girl.

Almost everyone under the sun would have written or said something about this 'love' concept and would have his/her own ideology regarding the same;people have written reams on this, painted miles,done a zillion things you would not even dream of.So,I would not want to go into the details of it.Rather what amazes me is the way it grows and how people adopt to its ways.
As kids or teenagers we were into heavy mush and cheese,flowers,chocolates and excitement over Valentines Day;dream dates,surprise gifts,stolen kisses,slurpy smses,long drives and lengthy phone calls.Our take on love was a mighty shift from what it might be now.We lived on expectations then,loads of it.Waiting post college,giving a call as soon as you are free,spending the weekends together,preferring your partner over your friends,come what may!
As time passes by we look for maturity in thoughts and relationships,look out for partners who might understand that even though you do not give that person a call or return it within that stipulated time-frame you love that person.Even though you could not take your partner out on a weekend because you had a prior appointment with your colleagues;even if you went out for a party without your partner for once;even if you do not think the way s
he does or do not have a similar take on things and life as that person,you can still be in love.

In this hustle we usually tend to ignore how big life is and that before you met him/her you grew up in a different society,sometimes different culture as well;friends were different and so were the people around.So the way you think or act or even react to anything might not comply with what your partner has on mind or as she would ideally do.Your partner's take on a few things might be poles apart from yours.But that does not imply that you would not or need not be together.What you are is what makes You and that is and will be your identity,so changing yourself to adopt,so much so that you lose yourself would be uncalled for.
So,I believe that loving your partner is not just about snuggling up while watching a supremely romantic flick or kissing them good night every night or not even just going out for those romantic dinners,it is also about having these,for a few of these are quintessential to telling that special someone how important she is,but not having just these alone.It is more about space and understanding.Understanding the dynamics of beautiful symbiotic romance and still loving the other person like crazy.But everyone to his/her own,please!