We talk about the huge percentage of Indians being in NASA or surgeons in the US on one hand and at the same time can't ignore the fact that almost 30% of the nation is below the poverty line,deprived of basic amenities,education included.Only 61% of Indians are 'literate' and things look pretty planned up for a good percentage of these people.
So what do these lucky few do?Slog out for their percentages in the board examinations,choose a stream,which more often then not happens to be Engineering and most of these people choose an Electronics or a Computer Science all to do what?Take up a 'Software' job.Run after their managers for a good rating or a decent appraisal or a much sought after 'onsite' opportunity,which for dummies,is a company paid trip abroad.While there are many who have their feet on the ground there are still many who believe that they contribute to almost half of India's GDP.Pretty harmless so far, but things turn insipid when the former category of extremely 'successful' individuals starts believing that those who did not go cookie pushing in the last couple of years have nothing 'planned up'.
How many of these planned up souls dare say that they are doing what they have always wanted to.Don't tell me that you had always wanted to be one 'software engineer' , kowtowing to anyone who gives you a good deal or that you had alway
I wonder sometimes if ever there were scores for say environmental awareness or a person's etiquette quotient or the frequently quoted but often misunderstood societal awareness.How much would these successful people score.If they would score less would they be looked down on,gibed at and be virtually vilified. Can't picture it,right? Because it might never even happen.
Stats?I have none.
Surveys to back it up?Nay.
Then how can you be sure of such a thing?
Why do we get so judgmental when it comes to numbers,scores in exams,ranks,points at workplace? 'Conceit',I feel, should be at the top on the Cardinal Sins classification.We Human Beings have got used to being so full of ourselves that somewhere down within we have forgotten the feeling of how it is Being Human!
Why do we get so judgmental when it comes to numbers,scores in exams,ranks,points at workplace? 'Conceit',I feel, should be at the top on the Cardinal Sins classification.We Human Beings have got used to being so full of ourselves that somewhere down within we have forgotten the feeling of how it is Being Human!